prostitution – yes? no?

Red Banner 1000pxThe Culture Clash this week brought Charles and I together on a topic that is likely as divisive today as it has been for a thousands of years. Oh, except whenever religion used it as part of their ritual – prostitution.

Charles’ position is a widely lauded one: prostitution is exclusively about forcing unwilling women into the sex trade. Mine was a bit more nuanced, finding ways to regulate and improve protections for women (and children!) and to remove the stigma of the profession while doing so.

I get blasted by one feminist professor who is so angry she has to pull over to the side of the road to yell into her phone. Charles lies about forced prostitution in Germany and Holland. And a former prostitute calls in to say it is a part of her past for which she has no regrets.

All in under half an hour!  That’s intense!

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