Shared Humanity

Many of us were moved by the movie Avatar, and some of us most deeply by the greeting spoken by that Na’vi, “I see you.” It is a powerful moment of recognition and an equally powerful reminder to be fully present to the other. But James Cameron didn’t come up with the idea. It has […]

why are you doing this?

Sometimes, I wonder. Usually, though, the reason is very clear to me. We’re killing each other and we’re killing our planet.  Whether it is by slowly poisoning ourselves with chemicals or shooting one other, whether it is by extracting carbon from the earth and spewing it into the atmosphere or spilling millions of miniscule plastic balls […]

centre of a circle

It’s been over a year now that I’ve been living with the new truth in my life – that I have shifted from the side of the ledger that tallies those without cancer to the side that tallies those with. Originally suspected to be a fallopian tube malignancy, when the mass was surgically removed from […]