Visionary Support …

… and how you can get involved It has been a challenging few months since Toronto Conference of the United Church ordered that I be reviewed due to concerns over the effectiveness of my ministry. But I have been uplifted by the wonderful support I’ve received and I wanted to share some of that with you and […]

beyond belief – the united church observer conversation

It was an interesting call. David Wilson, Editor of The United Church Observer, calling to invite me to sit down with Connie denBok and have a recorded conversation. Connie is also a United Church minister but, unlike me, she doesn’t believe the word god should be left out of church. She hasn’t had a lot […]

cbc tapestry – letting go

It was wonderful to be able to share an hour with Mary Hynes of CBC’s Tapestry talking about the challenge and reality of letting go.  Mary is a gracious, welcoming host so our conversation was incredibly comfortable and I very much enjoyed it.  I’d love your feedback.  Here’s the program. Letting It Go, CBC Tapestry […]