halo of loveliness

halo of lovelinessHeading into week two of discussions on our VisionWorks document.  This section deals with our intereconnectedness with all life so my focused moment turned toward visualizing what that might look like.


p style=”text-align: center;”>Into and through,
over and about,
within and beyond,
above and below –
we live and move and have our being
circumscribed by an exquisite web of reality.
The space you inhabit,
the place I mark,
the invisible everything
that fills the space
between us,
both holding us together,
and keeping us apart.
Bound by tethered, unseen truths,
may we ever work
to infuse them with beauty,
seed them with care,
test them with courage,
and hallow them with our love.
And should they, one day,
burst into wavelengths our eyes can behold,
may we find that our efforts
have woven a gleaming, golden halo of loveliness
within which we have wrapped ourselves
and are living our days.

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