
Here are a few of the sites that I enjoy visiting on the web and some of the alternative press that I read regularly and try to support the best I’m able. The list is only as long as my attention span is from one day to the next but I do hope to keep it updated with great stuff and wonderful people doing courageous and amazing things.
Remember, though, you’ll be visiting someone else’s home when you click on one of these links. I don’t have any control over how they keep house or what they actually have lying around, so enjoy their place but please recognize that all their choices aren’t necessarily my choices!

Alternative Media and Research :
Common Dreams
Nation of Change
Democracy Now
The Real News Network
Worldwatch Institute

Organizations – Democracy
Charter for Compassion
Council of Canadians
Ontario Federation of Labour

Organizations – Religion and Secularism
West Hill United
Canadian Centre for Progressive Christianity
The Centre for Progressive Christianity
The Clergy Project
Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science
Freedom from Religion Foundation
Southminster-Steinhauer United Church

Blogs and people I like, religious, secular, otherwise ….
Rick Miller
Irshad Manji
Diana Butler Bass
John Shelby Spong
Sam Harris
Jerry DeWitt


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