getting angry yet? religious rights, a philandering french president, and allergies

This morning I learned that Culture Wars is now known as The Culture Clash and clash it was, this time with Faith Goldy on the other side of the desk.  Faith works for Sun TV which claims it has changed the face of Canadian media.  I think they think that’s a good thing. Our conversation looked at several topics and, as usual, John deftly steered us from one to another. But once, he did it a little to quickly for my liking so I just hit rewind and went at it again.  A little too much stuttering on my part this morning, but enjoy! York University’s decision to require requests based on religious beliefs be honoured.   Allergies, the French president, allergies again, and then, are we really getting more angry?

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One Response

  1. Just bought your book “Amen” from eBay at Ordered Thursday and got it in the mail Monday. Wow! Now to read it. The cartoon strip “Shoe” of 1/14/14 by Brookins and MacNelly was very timely. (Um, is this public knowledge, this purchase?) Just my NSA paranoia coming out.

    Loved the radio interview, and you gave as good as you got, Gretta. Keep up the good fight. Christians who are outspoken are sometimes trying to smother the public discussion with their mission to evangelize.

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